MoofMenu 1.8.3
Declutter your Desktop and
access your apps, folders and files
in a breeze.
Do you have a cluttered dock too because you have a lot of applications and documents you use every day? Would you also like some tidiness and have your dock items organized by topic? MoofMenu cleans up your dock - by moving all items into a small system menu with hierarchical order.
Version 1.8.3 fixes a bug that prevented the recursive update of folders. Version 1.8.2 fixes a problem that allowed to accidentally move the Configure menu item.
You probably made the same experience as most of us: you keep on putting items into your dock because you don't want to click you through folders and subfolders every time you like to open an application or document, until suddenly you realise that finding in the dock got as difficult as finding it on your harddrive. MoofMenu adds a small icon to your system menu bar, right next to your Airport and Sound controls. Clicking on the icon opens a menu, in fact your menu - because you were the one that put the items in and organized them into hierarchic order. Just like your Apple menu in MacOS 9.
Easy to Configure
You can add applications and documents by simply dragging them into the configure window that, when open, always floats on top of everything else.
Of course you can change the order of items or place them into a different folder by simply dragging them wherever you like them to be.
There is no limit on the number of folders or subfolders you can create, letting you keep your applications and documents in your very own organization.
The developers of MoofMenu had one particular thing in their mind: speed. If you want to start an application or open a document, you don't want to wait even fractions of a second until the menu opens - it just needs to be right there. Therefore MoofMenu has been optimized for performance, yet another reason for its slick and simple design.
It's Free!
MoofMenu is now freeware. Your support is still gratefully appreciated. Donations will solely be invested into further development of our product.
System Requirements
MoofMenu runs on MacOS X 10.14 or higher and is optimized for Apple Silicon and Intel.
Copyright 2003 - 2022 Lobotomo Software